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Risk warning: PropertyAngels.Life is for angel investors who can afford the risks of loss associated with lending to UK property developer limited companies. Conduct your own legal and financial due diligence before lending and seek professional advice if required.
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Deals are everywhere but good people to work with are much harder to find. The initiative is to raise a minimum of £5 million to boost UK rental property development and supply through Angel funds by July 2025, with a 'people-first' approach.
PropertyAngels.Life was founded by the disruptive start-up entrepreneur, Helen Turner, who sees a pressing need to increase the supply of adequate rental accommodation into the UK property market.
This is a real crisis if you think about how more people need to rent than ever before, with higher barriers to getting onto the property ladder and our aging population needing to rent for longer.
While the UK property sector is one of the most stable markets to invest in, too many deals and investor relationships end in disappointment by inadequate 'people due-diligence'.
While numbers and timelines can seem to stack up, the ultimate challenge is meeting people who are capable and have the integrity to follow through on what was promised - no matter what... because, numbers and timelines change, it's inevitable in any complex project in this ever-moving economic landscape.
The aim is to help Angel investors to find compatible property developers and projects, build trust and get to confident investing faster.
- Gerard Davis, Solicitor at Talbots Law
The Power Of Knowledge, Skill and Money, brought together in a format that enhances the experience and ultimately, confidence for all parties involved, leading to more efficient and meaningful investment activity being made.
While information for those who want to build their own property portfolio, is available in abundance through various media platforms and property events, the experience is a sensory overload for those who want a hands-free investment approach.
1. LEARN about privately lending your money into property sector investments.
2. DISCOVER reliable UK Property Developers and explore their profiles.
CONNECT with Developers who pique your interest.
Follow the initiative to be invited to join the ANGELS NETWORK to unlock UK Property Developer borrower profiles.
As a co-founder and significant shareholder in the prop-tech, COHO, Helen Turner in her role as CCO, has contributed several years to the software becoming the 'one of choice’, helping it to excel in optimising property management and tenant experiences for properties ready to let.
Being deeply immersed in the property sector, and from creating the spectacular HMO Awards & Summit, the sector’s largest annual gathering of multiple occupancy property professionals, Helen has a well established network of the more progressive property developer and industry thought-leading contacts.
- Helen Turner
PropertyAngels.Life Ltd’s services fall outside of the jurisdiction of the Financial Conduct Authority. This means users of our services do not have rights under the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, the Financial Services Ombudsman or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We provide a pure introduction service and do not provide any financial or legal advice. Loans entered into following an introduction by us are at the risk of the lender and borrower. Make sure you understand and can afford the potential risk of loss of capital. Before lending, you must carry out your own independent due diligence and, if appropriate, seek legal and financial advice.
PropertyAngels.Life Ltd is a company registered in England, with its registered office at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX (Company No. 15805877) and registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner (Registered ICO no. ZB748099).
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