A blue street sign that says ethics on it
by Max Rayner 29 November 2024
What To Watch Out For! You’ve got the cash. Property developers have the projects. But if you’re looking to invest without rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty, you’re probably thinking, “How can I make money in property without breaking a sweat?”
A person is holding a model house in their hands.
by Nicky Diver-Clarke 8 November 2024
Choosing investments that align with your values: A quick Google search will show that ethical and purpose-driven property investing is growing in popularity. Whether funding projects that help underrepresented communities or supporting eco-conscious housing developments, impact investing is a fresh strategy for modern investors.
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Find Property Investor Confidence Faster


Welcome to my initiative to help accelerate the supply of adequate rental stock into the UK market!

Show OFF your Profile to Angel Investors

Business Overview

Use our form template to create a quick understanding for Investors, of who you are and your business activities and strategies.

Video Interview

Personal compatibility is important for Investors. The pre-recorded interview provides an initial idea of who you are and what it might feel like to work with you.

Case Studies

These allow the Investors to delve a little deeper and get a better idea of your completed projects.

See if you qualify!

Please fill FOLLOW the initiative to watch the progress unfold. You may be invited to fill in the Pre-Application Form to help me understand your profile. Read Developers T&Cs before you proceed.


For established Property Developers, our marketing packages aim to put you in front of self-certified high net worth (HNWI) and sophisticated investors who are interested in being introduced to you.

Property developer businesses usually have limited resource, time and lack the marketing skills required to put themselves consistently in front of the desired investor audience they want to reach. 

The challenge magnifies when your activities grow and all you really want is to be able to focus on the parts of the business that you're really good at and enjoy.


Explore Marketing Packages

To maintain a high standard, we have a strict criteria for Property Developers wanting to feature on the Angels Network logged in areas.

CORE and NEXT LEVEL packages are renewable annually on the 1st July (one season). The EXPERIENCE package is by invite only. All prices are currently no VAT.

Business Overview Only

  • Profile page accessible only to certified HNWIs & Sophisticated Investors who have joined the Angels Network.

  • Designed to help you explain your business activities and strategies, bringing your business to life for the eyes of the interested Investor.

CORE + Interview

& Case Studies

  • On top of the CORE package, a pre-recorded video Interview will be added to your profile page, highlighting who you are as the business owner/s and what it would be like to work with you.

  • We'll also host up to 3 case studies under you profile page, allowing Investors to delve deeper into your completed projects.

Exclusive Event By Invitation only

Combining the power of KNOWLEDGE, MONEY & SKILL in a single day at a Manor House with the following agenda:

  • 30 mins Developer Pitch + Q&A time, showcasing what it could be like to work with you.
  • 2 hours + Connecting time.
  • Video recordings will be made available to the Angels Network.

Want to be featured?

The first step is to FOLLOW the initiative. When I open up to accepting more property developers to participate, you may receive a Pre-Application Form to help me understand your profile before we proceed. Read Developers T&Cs.

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