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Risk warning: PropertyAngels.Life is for angel investors who can afford the risks of loss associated with lending to UK property developer limited companies. Conduct your own legal and financial due diligence before lending and seek professional advice if required.
Read Investor Risk Statement
The Angels Network is specially designed for high net worth (HNWI) and sophisticated Investors, who want a more efficient way to learn about, and meet reliable property developers to explore investment opportunities with them.
Are you looking for opportunities to invest with a UK property developer business in the form of non-equity lending for a fixed term and fixed rate return?
This is a safe space for you to explore reliable Property Developer profiles, decide if you want to connect with them, and access exclusive, invite-only events where you can meet them in person.
For each developer providing a quick summary about their business strategies and activities including an intro to the business owners.
This is a first chance to assess potential characteristic compatibility. A pre-recorded videos let you meet the developers without the pressures of deciding whether you want to speak yet.
*Past returns are not indicative of future performance or returns. You must still do your own due diligence as we cannot guarantee the information supplied is accurate or correct.
By joining the
Angels Network, you’ll also get access to exclusive, invite-only networking events designed for you to meet your Angel Investor peers, to learn about the due diligence process of investing into property development projects and to meet with the business owners. You'll get quality time to meet with industry leaders and selected seasoned developers - first season dates are from November 2024 - June 2025 to be announced soon!
Please read full
Investors Terms & Conditions.
PropertyAngels.Life Ltd’s services fall outside of the jurisdiction of the Financial Conduct Authority. This means users of our services do not have rights under the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, the Financial Services Ombudsman or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We provide a pure introduction service and do not provide any financial or legal advice. Loans entered into following an introduction by us are at the risk of the lender and borrower. Make sure you understand and can afford the potential risk of loss of capital. Before lending, you must carry out your own independent due diligence and, if appropriate, seek legal and financial advice.
PropertyAngels.Life Ltd is a company registered in England, with its registered office at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX (Company No. 15805877) and registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner (Registered ICO no. ZB748099).
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