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Uplift Finance Ltd
Uplift processes on average 25 HMO cases a month (submitted business). We have specifically designed our systems for HMOs. Dealing with this Volume we are up to the minute with the latest market movements.
We are a team of three:
Tom deals with most of our new business, before Uplift he worked in procurement for a nuclear engineering company, dealing with the sourcing of delivery of components for the energy and defence sectors.
Edward advises on larger cases and for key business relationships. He worked in both retail and Investment Banking.
Jaz runs our operation cases, she spent six years building a HR department in a care provider as it grew from a fledging business to a large firm with 300 employees.
Our systems have been built specifically for HMOs, staff have been trained from scratch in this area and because we’re doing a lot of them we tend to be very up to date with developments in the market. However, this doesn’t capture the most important part of our, or any, business.
We are extremely proud of our workplace culture, and take a near-extremist-approach to our Integrity, Transparency and Intelligence. We know that our Clients trust us to deal with large portions of their wealth, and we indeed to maintain that trust through our actions.
Most, if not all, Mortgage Brokers do not specialise to the degree we have. There are brokers with a property-Investor-focus, but none that have nailed their colours to the mast to the degree Uplift has, in that we only focus on HMOs. This focus has allowed us to build our systems and processes for this need, and educate ourselves on this area entirely.
Secondly, I like to think that the backgrounds and competency of our team is higher than most. We believe that an intelligent person without experience in the field will not take long to outcompete those experienced within it, with the right guidance.
Registered Company name: Uplift Finance Ltd
Telephone: 0121 5821550
Edward Clark is the Managing Director of Uplift Finance, a specialist HMO Mortgage Broker and winner of ‘Best Financial Services Supplier’ at the HMO Awards 2022. Edward has worked in both Retail and Investment Banking, having set rates for a Lender during the 2008 crash and working for a Hedge Fund in Syndicated Loans. He enjoys boxing, cooking and VR.
Uplift provides advice on Mortgages, Bridging Loans and Development Finance for HMOs and Supported Living. Because of our specialisation, we have deep knowledge of these areas.
This can help our understanding and sense checking on end values of projects across the various valuation methods, e.g.
- Understanding which valuation method will actually be used (despite what is said upfront)
- Advising on which Lenders will fund a project with the best price and with reliability, and which combination of financial tools will get the project executed at the best price and highest reliability.
Uplift’s Clients are generally either full time HMO developers, many of which are award winning, or experienced business people looking to diversify their income or invest excess funds.
PropertyAngels.Life Ltd’s services fall outside of the jurisdiction of the Financial Conduct Authority. This means users of our services do not have rights under the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, the Financial Services Ombudsman or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We provide a pure introduction service and do not provide any financial or legal advice. Loans entered into following an introduction by us are at the risk of the lender and borrower. Make sure you understand and can afford the potential risk of loss of capital. Before lending, you must carry out your own independent due diligence and, if appropriate, seek legal and financial advice.
PropertyAngels.Life Ltd is a company registered in England, with its registered office at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX (Company No. 15805877) and registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner (Registered ICO no. ZB748099).
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